Well hello there, long time no see. I know, I know, I have been MIA around here. I took a break from the blogging over summer to spend some time with the girls and quite frankly I just couldn’t make myself sit down to type. I had lots of crazy stuff to post, but the words just wasn’t there. So here I am a few months later, trying to get back into the swing of things.

Just some quick updates for this post: Oldest made it to her 5 Seconds of Summer concert on the 10th. She had a blast and I have to say that I did too. Just watching her was good enough for me. She had the biggest grin on her face the whole time and when those boys came out on stage, she didn’t stop once. I am glad that it is done…she was driving me crazy with the everyday countdown over the summer. “Mom, 45 days.” “Mom, 19 days.” “Mom, just 5 days.” All summer long. But it’s all good. She walked away with a concert t-shirt that cost $40. Yikes! and she got a poster of one of the opening bands.

Oldest is in her last year of middle school this year. School started back in August and she was ready to get back. Little L turned 3 in June. I made a The Good Dinosaur cake for her and had lots of decorations and presents. Took a ton a pictures and spent the rest of the month working on my scrapbooking.

Since fall has returned and we are very happy to have some cooler temps around here, I have gotten into my Halloween crafting. Oldest and I found out we both love Shrinky Dinks. I found some really cute ideas and we had to run to the craft store. After we made a ton, we were like, what should we do with them. So we opened our own store on Etsy to sell them for charm bracelets, magnets, and pins. It has been opened a little over a week I think. We haven’t made a sell as of yet, but I am hopeful. Here is the link if anyone wants to check them out. Tracystrinketshop 

I am in the process of making some new ones and looking forward to making some ornaments out of them for Christmas. Hoping that you see something you like.

Well thanks for reading and I hope to be posting some more stuff soon.









Mommy Time

Posted: May 14, 2016 in family, funny, kids, parenting, toddlers, tweens

The kids have been getting some use out of their pool the past few days, since the temps have shot up to around 100 degrees here. I have been letting them go out around 4:30 and they are usually out for about an hour. During this time, I do not go out with them, since daddy is out in the garage right next to them. After I get Little L ready and both out the door, I get to take a breath, take in the moment of silence then start on making dinner.

This evening, hubby comes to the door and tells me to bring the towels. When I get to the door, he has went back to the garage. I holler for Oldest to come get the towels. He says why don’t I come out and bring them. I tell him no that dinner is on the stove. He gives me this look like I can’t spend time with them. I spend all day with them and although I love them dearly, I need that hour of peace to do what I  need to do. Since L has given up nap time, there is no quiet time for mommy anymore.

I think he is the one that needs to spend more time with them. I am the one that takes them shopping with me and that is a stressfull adventure most times. I am the one in the house with them, helping with school work, doing house work, changing diapers and cleaning up messes.

He often says that I am crazy,. I am sure if he did this all day, everyday, he would be too.  🙂

We have taken a couple of days off from the potty training. On Tuesday I had to run up to Walmart so I decided to look for Little L some cute undies and get her more interested in this quest of a diaper free booty. When we got into the area, her sissy and I were showing her all the different pictures she could have, but she wasn’t interested. All she wanted to do was hide in the clothes racks and swing on the rails like a darn monkey. I let her be and picked out a pack of 5 to get started with.

We got home and she had to try on each pair and run through the house to show sissy and grandma. She was very proud of them and I told her to pick out one to wear. She had went to the potty earlier, so I wasn’t too worried about a mess. Boy was I wrong! She picked out one and went on to play. A little bit later, they were off. I told her she had to wear something. Then she came up to me holding a poop ball in her hand. I rushed her to the bathroom and got that taken care of. I told her she had to run to the potty when she felt like she had to go. She told me ok and wanted her undies back on. Awhile went by and then she was squatted down in between the coffee table and the couch. I asked her is she was ok, she said yes. I asked what she was doing, she said nothing. I said are you sure? She again reaffirmed with a yes. Then she stood up and said she pooped in her undies. Oh Lord, help me. I took her to the bathroom, got them off and flushed the ball away and got her cleaned up and slapped her diaper back on her behind. I was done. How can something so small poop so much?

Don’t you just love potty training?!!!  🙂

After being covered in chewed up biscuit by the toddler yesterday morning, the day just went from bad to worse. Little L whined most of the day saying she was bored. So funny hearing a 2 year old say that.  I was trying to get some things done and she did not like not having my attention at every whim and whine. I told that girl a dozen of times to pull out her toys and play. She would for a second, then leave them spread out all over the floor. By afternoon, she decided that enough was enough and pulled off her diaper and was running around naked for a good part of the day. If I talked her into putting it back on, she took it right back off. I got tired of chasing her down, so I let her be. Then she did it. Yes, she pooped on the floor!  Right in front of the couch. She came running to me, all surprised, saying that there was poop on the floor. I didn’t know whether to spank her, scold her, cry, or laugh. Daddy walked in about that time and he wasn’t too happy with her. After I got her cleaned up, and the floor, I sat her down and told her that she has to wear a diaper or her pull ups. If she goes to the potty to pee and poop, then she can get out of the diapers and wear big girl undies.She really liked that idea. I put a diaper on her and went back to what I was doing. Soon, the diaper came back off, but only for a little while, cause she wanted to go outside and I told her only if she wore her diaper.

Today was much better. She didn’t act near as bored, but she was still doing the whine. Around dinner time, the diaper came off and she was strutting around in just her t-shirt. Then she took off to the bathroom, came back a minute later and said she had pooped in the potty. I took off to the bathroom with her and there it was in all its shining glory, right in the potty where it belonged. I told her great job and I was proud, which she loves to hear. For a reward, I gave her 3 tic-tacs. She thought this was the greatest thing and wanted more. I told her next time she peed in the potty, she can have a few more. Which she did, not more then 10 minutes later. She must have really wanted those tic-tacs!

Thanks for reading! 😉


Posted: May 1, 2016 in blog, cooking, family, funny, kids, toddlers
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There is nothing like sitting beside your toddler while she is eating her home made biscuits and gravy, that you got up out of your comfy bed, to make for your loving family on a Sunday morning. Watching her take a huge bite then sneeze it all over you.
I have chewed up biscuit in my hair. Excuse me while I go tidy myself up. 

Since it is the last day of April, and I have only posted a few times this month, I thought I would do an end of month post and just sum up the last week or so that has been going on.

Let’s see… we bought the kids a family size blow up pool. It is about 10 ft. long, so they both can fit in it and splash around. They have gotten to play in it about 5 times. The weather changed and it got really windy, so we dumped the water in it. Next week it is going to be back up to the 90’s so I am sure they will be able to play in it then.

Oldest talked me into letting her recolor her hair. She did a permanent color this time, not the Splat! that she has used in the past. I must say it was nice not having it come off on everything she gets around. She went with an auburn color, so now she is a red head for awhile. It looks good on her too.



We made a trip to the library and got some more books for Little L. She was excited about getting new books and actually has asked us to read to her now. It is not an every day thing, yet, but we are getting there. Oldest and she had story time yesterday morning and they were so cute sitting together reading, that I had to snap a pic.



Story time

Later on we went to the park for a little bit to get out of the house. But before that we played a rigorous game of hide and seek. You would never guess where Little L was hiding.


Hope that your April treated you well and May brings you happiness!

Thanks for reading. 🙂


On Tuesday, Oldest was complaining that we “never do anything.” Which usually means that we aren’t spending money on her in some way, shape, or form. She can be rather spoiled at times and I don’t like it. But I do understand being bored and she does have a point, we never really “do” anything. We stay at home a lot. Other then the trip up to the wildlife preserve last month, we don’t get out much.

After the kids got out of ear shot, I told hubby that she was right about us, and I came up with the idea of going to the big park that isn’t too far away that we got to visit a couple of years ago. Besides a playground, they have a big splash pad for the kids to run through the water. I looked it up and the splash pad opened the previous Friday for the Summer. Yes! I told hubby that we needed to go this week. He didn’t have anything planned, not working on anything in particular, and I could rearrange the school work for Oldest so we could be gone as long as we wanted. We decided on Thursday, and even though it was crowded for not being the weekend, the kids had loads of fun. I don’t think Little L stopped. She ran and ran, was soaked from head to toe and loving every minute of it. Oldest is a bit more reserve, it takes her awhile to get into the mix, but she finally broke down and got wet. After they played in the water, we drove over to where the playground was. Unfortunately we should have went there first, because the sun was making the slides too hot to go down, even though they have sun shades over them. I let them play for awhile, then they both wanted to go back to the water. I didn’t blame them, so we headed back to the other side for some more fun. 🙂



Oldest starting talking to this girl that lives in Germany recently. They have pretty much the same interests and likes, especially in music. The girl was telling her who and what bands she had got to see in concert. One being 5 Seconds of Summer. Which is Oldests favorite band. Sorry One Direction. She was telling me about the girl seeing them live and I asked if the band was coming here. She had to go look and yes, they are coming, in September. Tickets went on sale back last October.

So for the next few days, going to see them live was all she could talk about. We finally looked at ticket prices and the cheapest seats other then the lawn, (it’s an amphitheater), was 79.95 a piece. I told her I would have to go with her. She said she didn’t mind at all. Then we had to get her dad on board. Now being the kind of father he is, he always tries to give them more then we can afford or that they need. After looking, he decided she needed closer seats, which were right under 200 a ticket. I told him that was crazy and nuts and as long as she got to go, I am sure she would be happy with the cheaper tickets. Then a day passed where no one said anything about the tickets till later that night when Oldest broke and asked if she was still going to get to go.

The next morning, daddy gave her the money, in which she gave to me to deposit in the bank. When we got home, we ordered her 5SOS tickets.

Talk about one happy little girl.

Now excuse me, I got some songs to learn. 😉

It is all ready the 6th of April and I haven’t done a single post. Been busy here and there and honestly, just haven’t felt good. Sunday and Monday were the worst. I think I have a stomach bug or something in that nature. Today it is feeling better and I hope going away.

Oldest is on her second day of state required testing for school. Luckily, we are at the same location as last year. I am sitting outside, at the bottom of the parking lot under the only tree that is giving off enough shade to be comfortable. Very happy that we got morning testing this year. It’s going to be in the high 90’s today. Last year we had afternoon testing but I don’t remember it being this hot this soon.

We bought Little L her very own potty chair last week. Several months ago, we ended up with a potty seat that you have to put on the toilet and pick them up to sit on it. I didn’t want the seat, but other people know more then I, and that is what we got. Which would have been just fine if you didn’t have a back that doesn’t like to work first thing in the mornings. So it didn’t get used that much as time went on. But the chair is working out great. She doesn’t remember all the time, but she will get it eventually.

One more hour to go…

Thanks for reading! 🙂


Posted: March 29, 2016 in blog, family, kids, toddlers, tweens, Uncategorized
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The girls had a great Easter Sunday. They both got a lot of stuff and way too much candy from the Easter Rabbit, but it was all good. But out of all the money and time that was spent to make their Easter a happy one, the only thing that both of them have played with pretty much non stop is the dollar can of Flarp! that I put in their baskets.

Flarp!? What is this Flarp! you speak of? Well, it is pliable, noisy, gooey, putty that the kids have fallen in love with. Oldest has had it before, but it had been awhile. Little L thinks it is the greatest thing on Earth. We started out with one can a piece, now we have 5 all together, because L put her’s and sissy’s together to make one big one and it didn’t turn out very well. So we made a Flarp! run yesterday morning to get more.

