Posts Tagged ‘humor’

Feeling Old

Posted: March 2, 2016 in blog, family, funny, kids, toddlers, Uncategorized
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The cashier at the grocery store was talking to me about Little L. She made the comment that L had a lot of energy and she must keep us busy. I said she was definitely a handful. Then she asked if she my daughter. “Yes, they are both mine,” I stated. “Oh, she said. “I thought maybe the little one was your granddaughter.”

Wow! Feeling way old now. Thanks lady!




Never say yes when a 2 year old asks if you wanna fight. Why? Because they are short and will kick you in the shin over and over!

True story, happened today!

Happy March! 🙂


Posted: February 29, 2016 in blog, funny, kids, toddlers, Uncategorized
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Playing hide and seek with the girls earlier.

Little L: Mommy you count, me and sissy go hide.

Me: OK, 1…2…3…*hears the sound of little feet running through the house*

Me: 8…9…10…Ready or not here I come.

Me: “Where could they have gone, they aren’t in sissy’s room.” *looks in room* “They aren’t in the bathroom. *pretends to open door* “hum, wonder where they are.” *Looks in grandma’s room* “Could they be in here?”

Little L: “NO!”

Me: holding back laughing. “Your not in here?”

L: “NO”

Me: “Are you sure?”

L: “Yes”

Me: “Well, alright, I will check somewhere else.”

The fun of a two year old!  🙂




Posted: February 5, 2016 in blog, funny, Uncategorized
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You know you did something right…

When you dye your hair and you think you left it on your head too long. You wash it out in the shower, and your hair DOESN’T fall out with it!

It’s gonna be a good day! 😉

Happy Friday!


Girls Can Be Icky

Posted: January 24, 2016 in blog, Daughter, funny, kids, toddlers, tweens, Uncategorized

My girls can be pretty funny and rather icky all at the same time.

This morning, they were both sitting in their Grandma’s room playing when I heard Little L sneeze a couple of times. Oldest comes running out a few seconds later. She makes it to the sink gagging and washed her hands. I was making breakfast, so I asked what the heck was going on. She said, “L sneezed and she blew out a bugger, it landed on her lip and before I could grab it, she licked it off her lip, then it was stuck to her tongue.” “She held it out for me to get it off, and I started gagging. That’s why I had to wash my hands, I had a bugger on my finger.” I started laughing and told her, “Well you are a good sister for getting the bugger off her tongue before she swallowed it.” Which, made Oldest gag even harder.  😉


Picture with Santa

Posted: December 18, 2015 in blog, Christmas, December, kids, Uncategorized
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I was four years old the one and only time I got to sit on Santa’s lap. It is a really nice picture, and I still have it somewhere in my mom’s stuff. That was the year I asked the bearded man in red for a puppy that walked and barked. I got it too. I remember the little guy. It was a light brown color and had a smooshed face. I am not good with breeds, but it was cute. I really loved that toy.

Oldest has never gotten to sit on the fat guy’s lap to have her picture taken. Her dad, when she was little, thought it was “not a good idea” and “there are just too many weirdos out nowadays.” I let it go until she was older. I think when she was 6, she asked me if we could get her picture with Santa. We had seen a sign at the local Walmart saying he would be available for pictures every weekend through the month. We made a special trip there one Saturday and we had just missed him. There were no times posted on the sign so it was really frustrating and heartbreaking for her. She asked every year after that, up till last year, if she could do it. And every year, it always seemed to backfire on us. I was happy she didn’t ask last year.

While at Walmart the other day, picking up an order back in their photo department, I happened to notice a basket on the counter full of Santa pictures. Once again, we are in there all the time and they never posted the time or day the pictures would be taken. I was waiting on the guy to bring back my order, so I decided to take a peek at some of the pictures. They had the setting in the lawn and garden area, or the Christmas shop, as they call it this time of year. It was a big blow up Gingerbread house with a seat in the middle for Santa and the kids to sit. The seat was not fancy, just a red chair from the department. You could see everything around the prop that was on the shelves and any people that might have been passing through. Then I focused in on the Santa. You could tell the beard was so fake it was unbelievable and he had no hat on in everyone of them. So his head blended in with the background. It was really bad, I have to say. It’s a good thing that they don’t charge for those pictures and I bet that no one will be picking them up since they take pictures with their phones anyways.

So now instead of being sad that Oldest never got to get her picture with Santa, I should be happy. If they were anything like that guy, I think I would have went the other way. 😉

Never a Dull Moment

Posted: September 17, 2015 in blog, funny, kids, movies, toddlers
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Little L definitely makes it pretty fun around here. They keep playing this commercial on one of the cartoon channels for a Disney Frozen toy music jewelry box. I am sure you all have seen it on t.v. some time. Anyways, whenever it plays I get the song, Do you want to build a snowman stuck in my head. When it is stuck in my head I have to sing it out loud. So the commercial was playing the other morning while I was making breakfast. Little L was running around not paying a bit of attention to what was on the tube. She was having fun in her own world. Oldest was sitting here in front of the computer doing her school work. After the commercial went off, I just couldn’t keep it in any longer and broke right out singing, “Do you want to build a snowman?” Little L comes running by at that time and says in her little singy voice, “NO.” and she just keeps on running. Oldest and I busted out into laughter. She had impeccable timing on her part. Then Oldest sings the line, “OK bye.” Which made us laugh even more.

So now, every time one of us sings that phrase to her, she says No since she got a big belly laugh from us. 🙂


Having a conversation with Oldest about driving a couple days ago.

Oldest: “I can’t wait to drive. I can take myself where ever I want to go.”

Me: “You can take me places instead of me taking you.”

Oldest: “No, I will take me places.”

Me: *Ignoring her comment* “Cool, I won’t have to go out as much. If we run out of something, you can go to the store to get it.”

Oldest: “No”…

Me: *Cutting her off and still ignoring her*  “Hey, we need some butter and milk, run up to the store. Oh and take your sister with you.”

Me: “Yes! This will be great!”

Oldest: “Wait, what just happened?”

I love happy endings!  😉

It’s Mine!

Posted: May 8, 2015 in blog, funny, kids, toddlers
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This is actually a few days too late, but I forgot all about posting it till now. 🙂

Friday was not a very fun day. My van had a leak,  and hubby didn’t feel well enough to fix it. He was in the house all day. Little L, once again, decided she didn’t need a stinking nap, even though she was wide awake from 4 to almost 6 a.m. that morning. See how my day was going? L was hanging out with her dad, so I took a chance and even told him I was going to sneak off to use the computer, which is always being held hostage in the Cave of Oldest! I get to the computer, first I have to check her school work and do attendance and see what is in store for the next week. Now that I did that, I went on to do what I wanted to do. Within a matter of seconds, I hear, “Where’s your mommy at?” Really! I hadn’t been away for more then 10 minutes tops. Then my hubby opens the door, which is not a good move. L gets into everything in the Cave. We yell, we argue, but will not take her out. Oldest gets up and leaves, but L stays. Why not right? It’s free for all time! The only way to get her out is to leave the room also.

Oldest does it to me too. It never fails, just when I think I may get a few moments of quiet, I hear, “Take it to Mommy.” Over and over. This makes for a very annoyed mommy by the time she finds out what the little monster sweetheart has in her hands. “Take what to mommy?” I will eventually say. But I am actually saying I know, why don’t you take it to daddy. He is sitting right there. Why is it always Mommy?

Then there is bathroom time. Everyone gets plenty of privacy but…you guessed it…me. I will even announce that I am going to use the bathroom and it’s only a matter of minutes before one of them are poking their heads in to see if I am done. Because no one can change a diaper or make any kind of food around here other then Dear Ole Mom.

Oldest has a bad habit of saying Mom over and over again until I look at her, so she can tell me something. Even if I say “What?” She still wants me to look at her. I have told her many times that I am going to change my name. She thinks it would be fun to guess the new one. *SMH*

To hear the word Mom, over and over, can get a bit overwhelming and frustrating. With the upcoming day of all days, please kids, I am begging, give your old mom a break and some peace and quiet. Before she loses her mind and goes totally nuts.
