Cheeto Baby

Posted: September 26, 2014 in Daughter, funny, girls, kids, toddlers, Uncategorized
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So why is it that I can’t go one simple measly day without looking like a total slob?? Oh yea, that’s right, I have a 15 month old!

I put on a clean shirt and Wham! in no time I have a cheesy cheeto baby hand print right across my left boob and I didn’t even realize it until I am in the middle of picking up some things at the grocery store. I look down and I am like WTH is that on my shirt!  Happened again today,  was sharing  a few cheesy chips with the kid and she is happily sitting beside me munching away.  As she goes to get down, she reaches out for help. Before I knew what she is doing, I look down and she has a tight grip with those sticky, cheesy tiny fingers right in the middle of my freshly washed shirt. She got me again! I thought. No winning…there is just No. Winning. (Shaking my head.)

No matter how hard I try to keep little miss from getting me dirty, it still happens. It is inevitable. I do understand and I should just get over it, right? Nope, I still can’t stand the fact that is was a clean shirt!!

cheeto baby  She loves her Cheetos!

  1. Yes! Every mom knows about the Cheeto hand! Hahaha

    Liked by 1 person

  2. singleandson says:

    I wonder will it ever end…….. my son is six now and i’m still covered in whatever he’s covered in. shows hes still hugging me though which i love. 🙂


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