Archive for December 7, 2014

Our tree went up last Monday night but we didn’t actually start to decorate it till last night. Oldest and I have spent the week painting the crapload of ornaments we made last weekend out of salt dough. (I honestly don’t know what we were thinking.) We weren’t getting much done, so we decided to stay up late Friday night, after Little L went off to dreamland, and paint our little hearts out. Luckily L dropped out about 8 p.m., no nap that day. So we got an early start. We did have loads of fun painting and laughing and pigging out on chocolate covered pretzels. We had a pile of good ornaments and a pile of failed ornaments. Let’s just say, artists we are not! But we tried atleast. Oldest thought it was hilarious that when every time we made a mistake, I would say, “I can fix that!” But alas, not everything could be fixed.

We also had 2 small canvas’ that oldest did some Christmas scenes on. She did a handprint and made our family into snowmen, and the other a fingerprint Christmas tree. Of course, we got the ideas from Pinterest and they turned out really cute.

Our Snowman Family

Our Snowman Family

Fingerprint tree.

Fingerprint tree.

The Christmas after oldest was born, I bought 2 sets of ornaments. One is Rudolph and the other Mickey’s Christmas Carole. I love those sets. It is all the characters from both shows. They are non-breakable and just fun to look at. So after dinner yesterday, we pulled out those ornaments so Little L could play with and try to put on the tree. She had fun putting them on, then of course taking them right back off. Most people with a toddler have a tree that is decorated from the bottom half way up. Ours is decorated from the top to half way down. She definitely had a blast playing and it continued today. I tried to put some on the tree, but nope, not gonna happen right now.

Then later on, she got her fist taste of a candy cane. Daddy bought some and had oldest put them all over the tree. When L spotted them, she had to have it. Daddy opened it for her and it took her a minute but she seemed to like them.


Tonight we are hopefully going into town and look at the Christmas lights. The city has 1.5 million lights on display every night. Can’t wait to see them.

Thanks for reading! 🙂