Posts Tagged ‘reading to toddlers’

Little L is not a book lover. She has oodles and oodles of books but no want to read or even look at them. I took the girls to the Library on Saturday to return the mound of books we got the last time we went. Being Saturday there were a lot of kids there, mostly older. There was no one in the kids area so I couldn’t get L’s interest in any of the toys while Oldest went to look for books. I asked if she wanted to look for some books to take home. She said no and made her way over into the kids computer area and sat down at one of them. I asked if she wanted to use one and she said yes. I got the library card out and punched in my numbers and my password. It said we had 30 minutes of use time. By that time though, Little L had lost interest and had gotten up. I closed it out and walked after her, hoping that she wouldn’t cause too much chaos. Oldest came back with several books in her hand and said she wanted to look some more. By this time, L wondered into the kids play area and there was another little girl playing with blocks. I told L maybe she would like to play with her. The mom heard me and said that her daughter would love too. But the little girl didn’t want anything to do with L. She started crying when her mom gave L some of the blocks that she was using. I told L to come get the blocks out of the other bucket to use and she did, but the girl was not having it. Finally the mom asked the little girl what she wanted to do. She told her look for books and get movies. I asked how old she was and she told me 2, she would be 3 in April. Wow, just 2 months older then L and she was speaking in more complete sentences. They left and L got bored and decided to walk through the book section. I tried to get her to look at books, but she thinks everywhere is a playground. I don’t know how to break her of it. She was climbing on the tables and had to test out every seat in the room. We walked around and made our way back to the kid play area. There were tons of kids there by this time. I guess they had all gotten there books and was ready to play. L went over and was playing with a couple of kids. I told Oldest to keep an eye on her and not let her leave the area, while I searched for some books for her to take home.

I ended up with just 5, the racks were bare for some strange reason and not a good selection was left to get. I went on and checked them out and was coming back when I seen L was following another girl, which was older, out of the play area. I told her she can’t do that and she had to stay. She turned to go back in, but then decided that she was going to do what she wants and walked out and headed across the main part of the Library. I went after her and when she stopped I scooped her up and headed out the door. She got upset when we hit the pavement and was wanting to go back in. I told Oldest. who was following, to get the car opened cause L was slipping out of my arms. I got her buckled up and told her that she didn’t listen so we can’t stay if she can’t do what I ask. She calmed down and we headed on home.

Oldest always liked books. When she was L’s age, she would want someone to read to her everyday. Sometimes the same book over and over, sometimes several different books. I worry that the way L is, it is going to be hard when she does start school.

Thanks for reading. 🙂

On one of my trips out last week, I went into the dollar store to pick up a few odds and ends. I was mainly looking for stocking stuffers for Little L to open on Christmas morning. Oldest was easy peasy! I got her some candy and a few girly things. But for someone that is under 2, I was lost. I was browsing through the Christmas candy and up above what I was looking at, I seen what I wanted. Some wonderful Christmas board books. When Oldest was little, I would buy her all kinds of books from the dollar store. She loved books. Little L on the other hand loves to chew on them. It was so hard to read to her too. I would get a page into the story and she would either fight to turn the page or just take the book out of my hands. Well the week before last, something wonderful happened. I picked up her Velveteen Rabbit book and started to read it to her and she actually let me get through the whole book! I was so very happy, you would not believe. Oldest loved to hear the stories from the get go. She still had her moments when she gnawed on the ends of one, but not like L.

I picked out five Christmas books for her. I wanted more, there were more, but I had to draw the line. Right. I ended up getting her a couple more regular little books also. SO I decided to give her one book every night until Christmas starting on Saturday, and put the regular story books in her stocking. She was excited when Oldest gave her the first one, Santa Claus. She let us read it, and has been very good and not chewed on it as of yet. Sunday night I gave her one about a reindeer named Munch that was looking for some lunch. Very cute indeed. I love rhyming books. She let sissy ready it to her and then she looked at all the pretty pictures.


Just three more nights to go…  🙂