After School Snack

Posted: August 6, 2015 in blog, cooking, Daughter, kids, tween girls, tweens, Uncategorized
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Oldest wants to learn how to cook and I am all for it. My mom never really taught me how to cook anything other then boil water. Oh I figured out how to make stuff like grilled cheese on my own when I was young, but she never showed me how to really cook. So with Oldest I try to show her whenever she is in the mood to learn something new. She found a quick and easy way to make grilled cheese today. They are called Grilled Cheese Roll-ups. She showed me the video and I told her go for it, seemed simple enough. She made three and gave one to Little L, she actually ate almost a whole one. (Her appetite isn’t fully back yet, so that was great that she ate it.)

First you cut the crust off a piece of bread, then you flatten the bread with a rolling pin or by hand. Add your cheese and roll it up. Put some butter in your skillet and fry those puppies up. Yum yum. The video showed that you could dip it in ketchup. Now I don’t like ketchup that well anymore, but she tried it like that and said it was good. Anywho, there you go. Something quick and easy for the kids when they get out of school for the day and are on the search for a tasty snack and don’t want to wait. 😉

I would have added a picture but Oldest ate the darn things too fast for me to grab my camera. 🙂

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