Archive for August 22, 2015


Posted: August 22, 2015 in blog, family, kids, ramblings, Uncategorized
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I have this app on my tablet called Time Hop. I am sure most of your are familiar with it, it runs with Facebook and everyday you get a notice saying that you have memories. Well 3 years ago today, we were driving back from West Virginia to Nevada. It was sort of a vacation but also I went to West Virginia to move my mom to Nevada to live with us. She decided to sell the house, the one I grew up in. I tried to talk her out of it. It wasn’t a mansion or even a newer house. It was old, run down, needed lots of work and lots of time. Since dad had passed there wasn’t anyone around to help keep the old place up. The reason I tried to talk her out of it? I wanted to have a reason to come back to West Virginia one day. So I tried. Told her we would board it up. Have a neighbor keep an eye on it. But she wouldn’t hear of it. She kept saying she couldn’t move without selling it. I didn’t understand, and I am not one to argue with their mother. I let her sell it. She didn’t ask near the amount that she should have. She took the easy road out and sold it to a neighbor.

We were there about 2 weeks. Oldest was the only child then, and she had a blast. She became friends with the kids that lived next door. They would play from sun up till sun down if they had the chance. One of the boys was a few years younger then she, but I could tell he adored her. They were best of buds while we were there. More memories of how it was nice to be raised in a small town. Where everyone knew everyone. The kids played outside, running, biking, catching firefly’s in the late evening. I do believe, my girl would have stayed there if should could.

The picture that was sent today through the Time Hop app was one of my hubby standing in front of the truck and u-haul we were pulling. Driving through Oklahoma then into Texas. Hopefully a motel soon to follow, was the caption. I couldn’t wait for the trip to end. But now, sometimes, I wish I could turn back the time and do it all over again. Drive across the US, seeing the sites. See my home that isn’t mine anymore. Fortunately I still have my memories.

Thanks for reading.  🙂